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Los Angeles (AP) - Winner: Destiny

The Associated Press

Lou Kesten, video game reviewer for The Associated Press, wrote a short article focusing on E3 showdowns and Bungie's new game came out victorious in his "Titanfall vs. Destiny" category! (He only provides one short paragraph of justification, so unfortunately there's not much to go on. I know the Bungie E3 crew had a lot of nice things to say about Titanfall though.)

TAGS: e3
ncsuDuncan | Jun 23, 2013 03:07 pm | link

Destiny Updates: E3 Trailer Analysis

Destiny Updates stopped by our forum to announce his analysis of the E3 Gameplay Trailer - he walks through the trailer and points out all sorts of details you may have missed (I know I certainly missed a few). Go watch - and see what speculation inspires YOUR imagination!

Claude Errera | Jun 23, 2013 06:39 am | link

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