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Cosmic Egg Conspiracies

ReachForgeNetwork member "my name is Byf" dropped us a note about his latest video for Inside Destiny, titled "Destiny Origins - The Traveller". It plays a lot like an episode of Ancient Aliens; while the theories presented may be a bit of a stretch, the mythological references and the overall production quality are both quite impressive!

ncsuDuncan | Jul 18, 2013 11:16 pm | link

Edge Teases the Traveler


Remember the minimalist teaser in Edge magazine that electricpirate and kapowaz noticed a couple weeks ago? Looks like they were right about the hints pointing to Destiny - kapowaz has spotted a (tiny) preview image of the upcoming issue's cover. Subscribers will get to read the full story on August 1st, so don't go pillaging your local newstand just yet!

ncsuDuncan | Jul 18, 2013 10:28 pm | link

Breaking In - Scott Bilas

The latest Breaking In article at looks at Scott Bilas, the Lead Engineer for Grognok (the world-building tool). Go see how he got to Bungie! I found it a fascinating read... but then, he's doing what I wish I could do. Thanks, minasodaboy.

TAGS: breaking, in
Claude Errera | Jul 18, 2013 08:52 pm | link

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