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D.B.Oh the Humanity

If you haven't been tricked by MoltenSlowa's deceptive forum thread titles yet, you might not be aware that he's been working with community members Padraig, Bones, and Unhh on a Bungie.Org-themed version of the risqué party game Cards Against Humanity. There's still time to submit your own card ideas, but that window closes this week - so get moving! (If you're confused by the concept, this forum post might help clear things up.)

TAGS: DBO, cards
ncsuDuncan | Jul 29, 2013 09:03 pm | link

Every traveler needs a pillow.

I'm always amazed when someone brings a video game design into the real world through some homemade ingenuity. Twitter user and cross-stitching guru CraftingGeek made a Destiny Tricorn plushie/mini-pillow, and she's giving it away! Check this twitter post to see how you can get your name in the lottery. (Thanks, Hypertrooper/Zeouterlimits.)

ncsuDuncan | Jul 29, 2013 08:50 pm | link

Marty Lectures London

Game Music Connect

Looks like Marty will be traveling across the pond to attend Game Music Connect in London on September 9th! He'll be on the panel of speakers for two sessions: "Soundcard to Symphony" and "Music Machine." Early bird registration for the event is open now. (Thanks, Xenos.)

TAGS: marty, music
ncsuDuncan | Jul 29, 2013 08:12 pm | link

And Now for Something Completely Mail Sack


This week's Mail Sack thread is open for business, and DeeJ has posted a new scenario for you to frame your questions with:

So, imagine you're in a public place, and you find yourself sitting next to someone wearing a Bungie t-shirt. You say "Hey, do you work at Bungie?" He or She says "Yes. I sure do."

Say no more, say no more! Wink wink, nudge nudge: "What's Destiny like?"

TAGS: mailsack
ncsuDuncan | Jul 29, 2013 06:36 pm | link

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