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Wesley Olson: PlayStation Tester, BBQ Master

Wesley Olson

Ground bacon, candied bacon, maple bacon. Did that get your attention? If so, you might enjoy the latest Baconing In-- er, Breaking In article over at DeeJ grills new hire Wesley Olson on his hiring experience, his personal hobbies, and his knack for setting up PlayStation dev kits. There's plenty to chew on here, so check it out! (Thanks, bacon.)

TAGS: Breaking, In
ncsuDuncan | Jul 30, 2013 07:49 pm | link

Guardian Radio Episode 22


Episode 22 of Guardian Radio is out (thanks, roland) wherein The Guardians of Destiny guys discuss the latest Bungie mail sack and Urk's interview with before speculating on the origins of The Traveler with guest MyNameIsByf. Give it a listen!

ncsuDuncan | Jul 30, 2013 07:37 pm | link

Previewin' on the Edge

Edge cover

We already knew that Issue #257 of Edge magazine would have a Destiny cover story, but now we have a better idea of what to expect from the feature:

With exclusive access to the Seattle studio’s next blockbuster, we have the world’s first hands-on report on the openworld shooter, plus insight from Bungie creative lead Joe Staten, COO Pete Parsons, art director Chris Barrett, technical art director Ryan Ellis and technical director Chris Butcher.

As kapowaz points out, there's a quick teaser online featuring two paragraph-sized quotes from Joe Staten about what Bungie learned from ten years of making Halo games. Good news for people the like long story arcs! The Edge issue will be available for purchase starting this Thursday.

TAGS: Edge, magazine
ncsuDuncan | Jul 30, 2013 07:11 pm | link

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