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This Week at Bungie - April 7

There wasn't a whole lot of new information in today's "This Week at Bungie" -- mostly just a recap of yesterday's live stream, and some info about Bungie/Destiny-related offerings at the upcoming Emerald City Comicon (for those of you in the Seattle area).

Side-note: can anybody tell me where to get the amazing t-shirt that the lady warlock is wearing in that tweet at the top of the update?!!

As always, you can check out the local copy here if that's your preference.

[you win this time, Speed - ce]

Update Preview

To make up for a somewhat anemic TWAB (or THAB, if you prefer), however, the dev team also posted a very lengthy preview of the weapon balance and ammo economy changes coming in the April Update.  This preview really gets down to the gritty details of what changes we can expect for our favorite weapons.  I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you want to see just how ridiculously, overdominatingly prevalent the usage of Mida Multitool and 1000-Yard Stare have been in the Crucible lately. We have a local copy, as usual.

Speedracer513 | Apr 7, 2016 07:09 pm | link

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