
I bet it's a trap (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 17, 2015, 00:37 (3359 days ago) @ Earendil

Instead of making it impossible for cheaters to cheat, they allow it and then bring out the ban hammer.

To be fair, it sounds like the route Bungie went makes for a better and more fair game if not one cheats.

Sort of... but if people just have normal lag, it looks (and feels) like cheating in the bungie game, whereas it actively hampers the lagger in the CoD game.

The alternative (used by esport games) is inherently less fair, but makes it harder to cheat.

I think you mean *more* fair, right?

I'm not sure I can blame Bungie for designing a system that is better if everyone is a good person. Perhaps they thought they could catch people faster/better than they currently do. Perhaps they are banning ten thousand people per day for cheating. Who knows...

Again, I dispute that it's better, ever. It's prettier, but when your bullets aren't actually hitting what you're aiming at because what you're aiming at may not be there, you have a problem. Cheating makes it obvious, but even average latency can cause you to miss what appeared to be a dead on headshot.

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