
Difference in community (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 17, 2015, 19:19 (3359 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Why was the Halo community considerably more open, fun, and creative than the Destiny community?

Polygon has an article about the ability to buy class boosters. But the part that is relevant:

The new boost is a cause for concern, because it may be evidence that Bungie and publisher Activision have stopped seeing points of superfluous friction in Destiny’s gameplay systems as design flaws and started to see them as opportunities to extract money from players.

I've felt this way since day one, but it is just front and center now. Proof positive are the broken game systems people complain about not actually being fixed, but instead being replaced with something else that has its own (sometimes worse) problems. At first I thought Bungie was just incompetent. But they aren't. It is intentional.

The answer is simply because Halo was a game that gave, not a game that took.

Destiny takes.

I wonder when it will finally tip.

I don't disagree with you that Activision and Bungie are in it for money (every company is) whether they are exploiting players just for money I think is Activisions realm.

I'm a bit tired of seeing people say things like this. I don't personally have a problem with the way Destiny has implemented microtransactions. I don't have a problem with them selling Sparks of Light (other than $30 being a huge ripoff). Hell, I wouldn't have a problem you could straight out buy exotics for money, or pay to immediately get a character to 320 Light. The fact is, if someone did that, it wouldn't affect you or the way you play. But that's a tangent, back to my point.

I'm tired of seeing people heap all the blame onto Activision. Because the fact of the matter is, this is Bungie's IP, Bungie's game. If they didn't want microtransactions in the game, they wouldn't be there. At some point, folks at Bungie decided this is the way they wanted to go.

I personally don't have a problem with it, like I said. But let's not pretend it's all because of Activision. It's not.

It really depends on the player what you give to the game and what you take from it. The game itself could make those differences more extreme, but I don't think Bungie is trying to make it so.

I'm still at a point where Destiny is way more fun than a chore (granted I haven't played regularly in over a month), so it's still giving quite a bit for me. The grind hasn't hit me as hard as other, partly because I don't care about getting to 320 or close to it, and I generally work towards the "grindy" things at a slow pace, doing the things I enjoy and letting it happen naturally. I play for fun. When it's not fun, I stop playing.

I do, however, have mixed feelings about what Bungie is trying to do. The "grind" so to speak, at this point, seems like it was pretty clearly designed to allow for the selling of items to skip said grind. I suspect that the Spark of Light is only the beginning of what they intend to sell. Again, I don't care about this, so I'm not bashing Bungie for it. I just think it's pretty clearly intentional at this point.

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