ASE on Destiny Gameplay Reveal

by Flynn J Taggart, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 03:28 (4196 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Cody and I did a running commentary on the gameplay reveal. I'm more and more optimistic about the game, Cody is still a bit skeptical.

I'm totally about to potentially derail this thread before it starts. This question has been bubbling at the back of ones head for years now, and thus far has yet to be answered by a "Get to know your. . ." thread. It's addressed to Cody. Perhaps this has been established already and I didn't get the memo. I almost don't want to even ask since in most cases the answer to this question is rebutted with the same answer. The question. . . Are you a pessimist or just jaded? I ask because seemingly every single post - Every! Single! Post! Be it made by you or involving you - is just a downer in some way. Something is always wrong and while I appreciate the difference in outlook - you bring very interesting viewpoints - but golly its stunning how "true the course" the emotional tone of your posts are. I find my self perplexed on the how of your individual tone - so I ask.

Regardless your reply - you have the floor. I asked.

Forgive me narcogen - couldn't hold back the question any more.

I agree with Cody in that I don't feel that the E3 reveal showed significantly more of the game that we couldn't already figure on our own, so I don't think he's wrong about that. I liked the graphics and story stuff, but the E3 demonstrations seemed mainly about a lot of flash rather than substance. I'm still anticipating the game because it's Bungie and Destiny looked good and hopefully I'll be able to play with some DBO folks in it, but the harder questions about the project went mostly unanswered.

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