TF2 Style criticals? Always co-op, whaaaaaat?

by electricpirate @, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 19:16 (4188 days ago) @ narcogen

Cody dropped a couple of headscratching comments in there.

Criticals are pretty obviously generated on head shots, not a random occurrence. It's more obvious on the IGN behind the scenes vid, where Hamrick is loading up the head shots.

As for co-op re spawning, we've had multiple confirmations that you won't always be playing in co-op if you don't want to. I wasn't sure where that comment came from

Also, Cody, have you played Dark Souls? If you haven't you should. Many things that you assume must happen in games don't in Dark souls (IE, if a game has loot then you must grind, co-op needs voice communication to work etc).

Some valid stuff was brought up though, world state in big scripted events is a big question to me. Space magic was tragically boring to me; essentially it acted as a replacement to grenades with the exception of the hunters gun buff. There's potential there for more interesting ability combinations (Hell, ME3 co-op's biotic combos are an example of this done well). Admittedly we haven't seen much though.

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