
Matchmaking - they admit it. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, January 21, 2016, 21:08 (3323 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Yup. "Skill based" matchmaking is confirmed. Not discussed is the "closed loops" of skill players only being matched against the same pool of teams and players repeatedly, regardless of match outcomes. Briefly mentioned is that they are working on addressing how the current matchmaking is causing latency by not prioritizing connection quality. Also not discussed is how their netcode gives an advantage to lagging players.

Matchmaking aside, they also ignored the current "thorn" meta in crucible, as well as the state of snipers, shotguns, and then all of the other guns that aren't The Last Word or Thorn.

Ok, I'm very confused:

1. What is "Skill based" matchmaking and how does it differ from your ideal form of matchmaking? It seems obvious that the matchmaking system uses multiple inputs (skill, latency, etc) to form matches so I really don't know what you are going on about here.

2. Seems to me that any individual game, especially with players of similar skill level, can result in a close call or a blowout based just on a few mistakes or clutch plays. Doesn't getting matched against the same group of players make sense? Should one win or loss really be enough to kick me into an entire different skill group?

3. What kind of discussion of lag do you want? It kinda sounds like you want them to admit they are horrible and apologize. I haven't played a multiplayer game yet, from any developer, where lag isn't sometimes an issue. I can't help feel you're blowing this out of proportion and focusing too much on it...

4. Nobody is ignoring the Crucible meta. Did they discuss it in this specific weekly update? No. Are they ignoring it? Absolutely not. Simple common sense and the history of Destiny receiving several weapon balance updates should tell you that. Furthermore, there was a great two part Planet Destiny podcast around the end of the year where Jon Weisnewski and Sage Merrill talked at length about each and every issue you just mentioned. And more. Search out Crucible Radio episodes 27 and 28 for that.

Sorry to go all numbered list on you, but it's just not fun to read your repetitive posts on things like matchmaking and balance. Especially when the point beneath the surface always seems to be Bungie is incompetent and not paying attention. :/

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