Are you max level yet? (Destiny)

by EffortlessFury @, Monday, July 04, 2016, 23:10 (3157 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I found that the Division at level 30 is completely different from the game at levels 1-29. Instead of being about cover, good shooting, and having fun (and let's be clear, I loved levels 1-29; that was awesome), it's about grinding, long duration stuns, and min-maxing dps to kill the suddenly bullet-sponge enemies before they 1-shot you.

Yeah, no I'm not max level yet, nor am I done with the game. And more than likely I'll drop it once I've completed the main story if it remains that bad once I get there. But according to uPlay I'm 16 hours in and 56% through the story. That's a really good amount of content a first play through.

One thing I like about The Division is the sense that you're helping clean things up. Now, I realize that the only semblance of that progress is that most of the side missions disappear from your map once you've done/they are not repayable. Those tasks were "accomplished." One thing that I think might make Destiny's bounties a little more tolerable would be things that have a specific impact on the world. Ok, there's something happening in this particular area of Patrol, can you go take care of it? You go there, you take care of it, it's done and it doesn't happen around that area for you again. I know that's made more difficult by Destiny's shared patrol spaces, but frankly I never found having other players around was really that big a deal. Maybe it'd be better if people were only pulled together in a public event scenario, or one of these bounty "missions." Either way, a lot of the bounties and missions are either replaying existing linear content or accomplishment counters that have no impact on the world. Accomplishment counters feel pointless and replaying linear content is pointless if the content is bland, especially the first time through. (Which IMO, Destiny is pretty bland)

IDK why, but The Division's story and (especially its) atmosphere have a lot of pull.

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