
Bungie needs a PvP Test Playlist (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, October 13, 2016, 17:56 (3055 days ago) @ Durandal

They need a public area where they can make changes to weapons and see what happens. Similar to Hearthstone's Tavern Brawls. What if all shotguns maxed out at 150 damage? What if sidearms had explosive rounds? What if there was no flinch in the game? Or no shields? Or you could switch weapons on the death screen without losing ammo? Or no heavy weapons at all? Or no sprint?

After two + years, Destiny PvPers are sophisticated and knowledgeable. The *worst* dedicated PvPer (me, probably) will still mop the floor with a casual PvEer. Regularly changing the meta would help to even the playing field, or at least make it not quite so uneven.

Furthermore, it would provide data to Bungie about what guns or strategies are OP and what ones are UP. Which would help them with the (I know, I'm pissing into the wind) weekly balance updates to the entire PvP game that they really, really, really should be doing.

The game we have right now greatly favors shotguns. Which is why people are less aggressive in 6s and use longer range primaries. We can wish and wish and wish for a better pvp environment, but Bungie has shown time and again that they really don't give two shits about that. It's saddening, because I think of what could have been, but we can only play the game we have, not the one we want.

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