Shotguns, Fusions, Snipers and Sidearms (Destiny)

by Mad_Stylus, Friday, October 14, 2016, 01:53 (3055 days ago) @ Durandal

An easy way around this would be to have pre-set Crucible weapons. You'd have the weapons, and you'd have sub-archetypes, but they would be the only things you could use, guns-wise. Balance could be applied to these controlled elements.

Which I think is the main flaw with using Destiny to PVP.

Because of character customization, and how PVP games are balanced, all those little changes add up. Eventually, it gets to the point I have no idea what an enemy is capable of.

An example: I see a Titan with a shotgun out, running around. I dont know what his stats are, what his perks are, even what his subclass is. I cant even be sure his weapon is a good roll among that weapon type. Sure, it could be a Matador, but it could be a shit Matador or a good one.

If I play Overwatch, I know exactly what I'm dealing with. This character has THIS much health, THESE abilites and THIS effective a gun.

Without a dozen perks, upgrade nodes, etc. balance is much more streamlined. Nerfing one particular element doesnt necessarily just ream an entire spectrum of abilities and tools.

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