
Last Gen Support? (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, November 02, 2016, 18:29 (2782 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I did some looking, here are some reference numbers:

BF1 60
BF4 (PS4,XB1) 30 but later increased to 45
BF4 (PS3, XBX360) 10

Maybe it was simply because they wanted to support last Gen. Maybe we will see an improvement in Destiny 2 if this is the case, because they will not have to worry about Last gen platform support.

It's a shot in the dark anyway

Overwatch was running 60/20 at launch, and that was fine. Supposedly it's been increased to 60 all around, but who knows, since folks still have issues (see: Roadhog's hook).

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