
Because PvP was an afterthought (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, November 02, 2016, 20:36 (3035 days ago) @ dogcow

I'm too lazy to look up the article that said it, but Destiny was not designed to be a competitive PvP game, nor was it even designed to be a 50/50 PvE/PvP game like it is in practice. Rather, it was designed to be a PvE game that also had PvP. So the netcode was written to support PvE (and it's completely great at that. Let's not forget - destiny PvE is nearly flawless when it comes to connection quality) and likely adapted to PvP later rather than being wholly re-written for the PvP environment.

For Des2ny I'm hoping they build it with e-sports level PvP in mind (god knows the core mechanics support that level of play), and also build a nimble backend that is quick to adjust for balance changes, map adjustments, etc etc.. unlike the interminably slow-moving beast of burden that is Ragnarok (all those questions about why we don't get more for our microtrans money are ignoring the fact that building anything significant in Ragnarok takes eons - Bungie could fully have 20 people dedicated full time to live support and still might barely be making those 4 new microtrans dances in time for the next update... I exaggerate, but only a little).

I'd hope they'd scale the fidelity of the transmission frequency to adapt to the activity at hand so that these changes wouldn't result in fewer players in social spaces (or net lag which, again, there isn't any of in social spaces right now).

But that's all spit in the breeze on my part. Bungie hasn't said anything (afaik) about the backend or netcode changes between D1 and 2D2Furious.

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