
Never trust someone who only has nice/bad things to say... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, December 07, 2016, 04:24 (3000 days ago) @ Korny

At best I'd say Titanfall's map transversal makes you think about different things, but I absolutely disagree that Titanfall is more strategic once you make contact with an enemy. Getting to them, maybe. But fighting them? Oh. Hell. No. You die far too quickly in Titanfall once engaged to do anything worthwhile.

Is that hyperbole? Yes a little. But no more than you having no movement options in Destiny.

They are different games that approach many things differently. But all to often we get posts like "X > Y" which disparage one game and ignore every possible strength while talking up another game to unrealistic levels of goodness. Personally, I like them both, but I do prefer a game with what I consider much stronger moment to moment combat to a game with larger maps and arguably better map transversal.

I love Titanfall 2, but between Kahzgul's Destiny Lag From Another Realm (though he has provided exactly zero evidence ever, because apparently clicking the share button after a match is too much work), and Cruel claiming that his ship gets sniped from the sky as he's dropping in from Orbit, you'd think that Titanfall rode in on Microsoft's 300,000 cloud servers of blast processing. But Titanfall is just as prone to a laggy player as the next game, and it's not really any different than any other twitch shooter in terms of strategy without the Titans to set it apart.

All I know is that some folks act as if Destiny runs on dial-up, but never feel like they should back up their claims (because they're pretty obviously false claims).

I don't even drool over Warframe half as much...

C'mon man, you're going to try to tell me with a straight face that spawn camping isn't a common occurrence in Destiny? Do you need me to start recording videos every time it happens? You've been in enough of those matches with me, I figured I wouldn't need to "prove" it to you, but fair enough.
And don't try to dismiss my points by saying I "only have nice/bad things to say". I've written thousands of words here at DBO about all the things I love about Destiny.
I would never argue with someone's likes, preferences, or personal taste. I enjoy discussing differing opinions, but never with the aim of proving who is "right or wrong". Just fun conversation, that's all.
But there are also things that can be measured. Things that can be counted, quantified, and weighed. Destiny PvP has BIG PROBLEMS. Does that mean everything about it is bad? Of course not. Does that mean it can't be enjoyed? Depends on the player, and what their personal tolerances are when it comes to some of these issues.
I'm turned off by rampant negativity as much as anyone, but there is a flip side to that same coin: blind fanboyism. Both conditions involve ignoring the way things actually are in favor of pre-conceived ideas. And to anyone who plays lots of games and has an eye for these sorts of details, saying that Destiny is no worse off than other multiplayer games comes across as fanboyism.

Case in point: I actually ran into a laggy player in Titanfall for the first time today. He was doing the same running in place -> teleporting a few feet forward -> running in place again thing that we all run into from time to time in Destiny. But here's the difference. When he was frozen in place, and I shot him, the hits registered and he died. Consistently. Over and over throughout the entire match. Not once did he kill me with phantom shots while teleporting around the map. Not once did I empty a clip into him without the hits registering. So yes, lag can happen in Titanfall. Of course it can. But, like most technical aspects of the game, Respawn have developed a solution that maintains the quality of the match and keeps things as enjoyable as possible for everyone.

I didn't record the clip. But Xenos, Breitzen, Ragashingo, and BlackTiger were all in the match with me.

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