
I've posted proof, but hey - here it is again (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, December 07, 2016, 16:58 (3000 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Now this next one is a typical Destiny game for me. It's mostly fine, but there are a few places where it's absolute nonsense that I didn't get a kill and/or that there was a trade. 90% of my games fall into this category. It's pretty good most of the time, but there are still two or three complete head scratchers. Note that I've never had a single match of Titanfall that was questionable at all, let alone as questionable as this, very typical, Destiny match. This is the full match. It's only maybe three deaths that are lag-related, but those end my killstreaks, cost my team control over a point, and generally ruin the experience for me. The frustration of dying well after you shotgun a guy in the face far outweighs the fun of the other times that the game behaves properly.

I watched this one carefully. I saw only one legitimate lag loss - the golden gunner at 7:30. (It's pretty clear to me that you fired before he did, but he still got his shot off. We're talking about a third of a second, though, so maybe it's not lag, maybe it's just the low tick count between damage updates.) There's a case that MIGHT be made for the interaction at about 9:44, where you face off against two shotgunners and die without killing either one - but the first one hits you solidly in the chest, while you catch the top of his head (and take off most of his health), so I'm not sure if that's lag or just that you missed some of your pellets. Every other death, stepped through frame by frame, seems reasonable to me.

I'm not saying lag doesn't play a part; it absolutely does. I'm saying I think that sometimes you're interpreting as lag things that seem like legitimate interactions to me.

Thanks for taking the time to watch. This is just a typical game for me. Not egregious. Normal. 2-3 moments of highly questionable lag-related deaths. I should mention that Iron banner is always worse. A typical game of Titanfall (which I haven't figured out how to record more than 30 seconds of so far because xbone) doesn't have any questionable moments for me. There are the occasional "wow I didn't see that guy at all" deaths, but that's positioning and the element of surprise, not an out and out lag-related failure.

With regards to the GG lag: Bungie said they do a 30 tick for weapon damage, so 1/3 of a second means 10 ticks of lag, at least, were involved there. That's just not acceptable in a modern FPS.

I also thought the bit where I shotgunned a nightstalker in the face before his arrow fired and then he took no damage and I died was pretty lame. I've been shot out of my nightstalker animation soooo many times.

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