
Investment (Gaming)

by Durandal, Thursday, February 02, 2017, 23:29 (2658 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Ultimately, to make something feel valuable in game it needs to require significant effort to obtain. In some cases, like ToO or Raids, it means that the action itself is hard to do and only a limited number of players can martial the skill to accomplish it. In other cases, grinding is used to turn a long time investment into value.

If I had my choice, I would prefer more of the former, then the latter. I hated grinding in WoW, or World of Tanks, and currently in Destiny. The randomness factor is just a multiplier, a grinding mechanic. I played the heck out of ME 3 and never got all the guns. I know people who still play it and still don't have all the classes unlocked.

Part of the fun is exploring the new and different options. there has to be a way to allow people to experience that without forcing them into long slogs through the game. I just don't know what that is. I'd love to pull some friends into Destiny, but at this point they would have to grind so long to get all the gear that they want they won't do it. Some of my friends love war frame, but likewise I don't want to drop the time into it to level up just so I can play with them every so often.

At least when I have friends over I can loan them one of my 40k armies and we can still duke it out.

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