
Beta PvP (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Saturday, July 22, 2017, 18:42 (2784 days ago) @ BeardFade

If you're on PS4, add me. I'm a west coastie and a very late night one at that. "Kahzgul" on PSN. If you're on Xbone, well, we can always play Titanfall 2.

Hunter notes:

- My grenade seems to reset to scatter grenade every time I launch the game. F that. I want my tripmines.
- The dodge that resets your melee is awesome to give you a 2nd throwing knife. Speaking of which, exploding throwing knife seems better than most grenades.
- Golden gun seems fine to me. It doesn't last long, but that's because it has a spec for 6 rapid fire shots vs. 3 slow ones. I assume this is a locked-in spec for the beta only, and we'll be able to choose other things in the real game. The wording makes it seems so, anyway.
- We still have the best jump by a country mile. No, I don't know how a country mile is different from a normal mile.
- The default gear is *awful* for pvp and has zero resilience. Even just one item with resilience made a huge difference to my survivability in pvp.

In general, though, 4v4 doesn't make any sense to me. The base pve game is 3v3. The raids are for 6. PvP should evenly accept teams along those lines, which is to say, multiples of 3. 4v4 is weird, and means if you want to pvp and then go to pve one of your friends is just SOL. In fact, even if both teams want to leave together, 2 people are SOL. it's pretty crappy. I really hope they add a 6v6 mode back in. And 3v3. I'm okay with them keeping 4v4, because it makes more sense for objective based gameplay to have even numbers of players, but it's really weird to split the playerbase in uneven groupings this way.

Weapon balance from beta can't be trusted at all. The game is months of development past this point, and I guarantee they've rebalanced it several times in that span.

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