
Beta PvP (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, July 23, 2017, 18:01 (2723 days ago) @ BeardFade

but given that I've run NLB/sidearm (and the sidearms I've gotten suck, too) exclusively for the better part of a year

Wow. That seems pretty short sighted of you. Especially since Destiny 2’s Freedom Slots were announced a few months ago.

but they are killing the fun out of PvP for any of us who aren't God-like players.

You don’t have to be god-like. You just need some practice. It’s still a ton of fun. ‘Course it would be more so for you right now if you hadn’t tried to turn Destiny into Sniper Pro Elite III or whatever.

I'm pretty sure everyone else is happy...

Not gonna lie, I’ve been anticipating this day with a good deal of glee. Instead of cursing the hard scoped snipers, I’ve silently smiled knowing that soon they’d have to relearn how to play. Great to hear that confirmed.

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