
Beta PvP (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, July 23, 2017, 21:21 (2783 days ago) @ BeardFade

Wow. That seems pretty short sighted of you. Especially since Destiny 2’s Freedom Slots were announced a few months ago.

I'm commenting on lack of getting to snipe (which is what I enjoy about the game). NLB ensures you can always snipe. Freedom slots are irrelevant to my comment. It's doubtful that D2 would move snipers to a power slot and then have any sniper be equipable in a freedom slot.

The concept of Freedom Slots includes moving things like Snipers to the Power slot. And even if I somehow have the terminology slightly wrong, knowing that you would no longer be able to do that is completely relevant! We’ve known for a long time that things were changing. You should have worked to be ready for that change. Maining No Land Beyond was already an... odd... decision. Continuing to do so after we found out about the changes to the weapon slots... Very odd. And that’s being super generous...

You don’t have to be god-like. You just need some practice.

I doubt practice is what I need. I'm pretty much at the top of what my thumb-skill will ever be, and that would be ok if the alternative means to countering a better player were still available. By reducing both the quantity and effectiveness of supers and abilities, you've put the game even more squarely in the hands (should I say thumbs) of those who already have it squarely in their hands and need no advantage or favors.

Your thumb skills, but you think you have stayed as fresh in normal gun vs normal gun firefights? Doubtful. You’ve spent the last year basically not playing with the rest of us. Sniping from the back while the rest of us get to serve as your meat shields... Not so fun for us, you know?

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