
Beta PvP (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Sunday, July 23, 2017, 22:19 (2783 days ago) @ Ragashingo

The concept of Freedom Slots includes moving things like Snipers to the Power slot. And even if I somehow have the terminology slightly wrong, knowing that you would no longer be able to do that is completely relevant! We’ve known for a long time that things were changing. You should have worked to be ready for that change. Maining No Land Beyond was already an... odd... decision. Continuing to do so after we found out about the changes to the weapon slots... Very odd. And that’s being super generous...

1) Freedom slots are only the top two slots. Power weapons will not be in freedom slots.
2) It's fine that it's odd. It's fun, was a great challenge to learn to use well and works for me.
3) And I'm still playing D1, I'm not preparing to play D2. I'm not training for an event or tournament. I don't need to change loadout to prepare cause that's not why I'm playing the game. When all I have is D2, I'll play D2.

Your thumb skills, but you think you have stayed as fresh in normal gun vs normal gun firefights? Doubtful. You’ve spent the last year basically not playing with the rest of us. Sniping from the back while the rest of us get to serve as your meat shields... Not so fun for us, you know?

My thumb skills are just fine with other guns. I still go do all the weapon type bounties and get them done without problem. I'm not uncomfortable using anything in the game. I may not be great, but I feel just fine using whatever. I'll find a way to make it work.

And no one's my meat shield. I'm pretty consistently at the top of the rooms I'm in 6s. You can't do that without getting in the fray and getting kills.

What I really want to know is why you're so salty about this towards me? There's literally no reason to be.

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