
Beta PvP (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, July 23, 2017, 11:07 (2725 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Honestly, I love playing with y'all, but they are killing the fun out of PvP for any of us who aren't God-like players.

I don't see it that way myself. I think they're shifting the focus of the combat towards primary weapons and away from ability spam. I like having diverse abilities to play with, but too often in D1 I felt like supers and abilities and special weapons would dominate the flow of the game. I like giving players who are at a disadvantage tools or possibilities for turning the tide. But I'm not a fan of outplaying an opponent only to have them hit their "win button" and kill me, which happens all the freaking time in D1. So I think shifting the emphasis a bit towards primary weapons is a good thing at any skill level.

I have to agree with this. My typical breakdown of kills for a game of pvp in D1 was:
9 kills with Golden Gun
5 kills with shotgun
3 kills with grenades
1 kill with primary weapon

Translating that to D2 I get:

1 wasted golden gun
0 ammo for a shotgun I still haven't found on my hunter
1 "kill" with grenades (probably an assist) and 1 really errant throw that hit nothing at all.
6 kills with primary weapons?

I like that shift a little, but it's gone too far. The rarity of special abilities means you're either pressing the buttons for them to no effect constantly, or sitting on them after they come up for more than you should because you don't want to risk "wasting" them since they won't be back for several days.

Of note: This may be especially rough for hunters, who start with max agility and no other stats. Playing a bit on the titan I found that his special abilities were up waaaay more often. I did not do a scientific examination of it, but the feel of the titan was "I can make a shield here" whereas the feel of the hunter was "I'm always out of grenades, melee, and dodge."

But hopefully they'll include some form of Mayhem variant (maybe a touch less insane than Mayhem in D1) that features faster cooldowns and more power ammo for those who enjoy that side of the game.

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