
Uhm... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, September 21, 2017, 20:53 (2729 days ago) @ narcogen

Nightfall Timers/Modifiers/etc

I see lots of folks really complaining about the new Nightfalls, especially the timers. I just want to say I like them, and it's much more preferable way to add difficulty than bullet sponge enemies that you are just forced to hide from and slowly snipe away, which seemed to be the way a bunch of people did D1 Nightfalls. I like that Nightfalls don't take 40 minutes now (Archon Priest, seriously, fuck that guy). I also like that it encourages the player to be more aggressive to get more time (either by killing or by just being quick and efficient).

Except at the recommended power (240) bosses and many other yellow bars still are just bullet-sponges. Look at the shanks in this week's nightfall which are somehow both exploding AND resilient.

As for the length-- what's the functional difference between a Nightfall that takes 40 minutes and results in success or two Nightfalls that take 30 minutes, both ending in failure?

I would much, MUCH prefer a return to the old system where wiping kicks you to orbit. That's a frustrating but comprehensible and predictable failure that is within player control while taking usual actions within the game. It also means that if you're not high enough leveled, or good enough to do the encounter, you find out as soon as it happens and you can either restart if you choose, or go do something else. The new system encourages players to waste time because it lets you start the boss fight even if the remaining time is not enough to actually kill the boss-- and on top of that, this week's boss teleports away not at 50% health, or 30% health, or even 25% health, but apparently at 10% health-- and stays away for up to 20 seconds!

An arbitrary timer that just ENDS a fight in progress with no possible explanation, with the timer modified by equally silly arbitrary actions-- one of which is the LITERAL definition of "jumping through hoops" is just terrible.

I'd be all for kicking players to orbit for losing, and even for giving an extra reward for finishing before a timer expires, but in a game that has mostly removed the bullshit from the previous title, this is a bit of new bullshit I can do without.

...so at 240, you can literally take 20-30 minutes, solo a handful of lost sectors and be 245. Minimum barrier to entry of the nightfall shouldn't be the baseline you are judging this against. I'm sorry, but as much as I wanted to try and understand your perspective (because I don't fully understand why you'd hate it this much), it just sounds like you're saying "I used to have fun but now I don't and I don't like it".

You are literally complaining that in the 3rd week after release the end-game content, that is supposed to be a challenge, is too hard.

Take a breath and a step back. And if you're really at 240, go do some other things and come back to the nightfall after a few more hours of regular gameplay. It's going to be okay. :D

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