
Nightfall timer BS. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Friday, September 22, 2017, 02:28 (2699 days ago) @ Cody Miller

An arbitrary timer that just ENDS a fight in progress with no possible explanation, with the timer modified by equally silly arbitrary actions-- one of which is the LITERAL definition of "jumping through hoops" is just terrible.

What if it were rolled into a different mechanic? What if your light slowly drains during the fight, and you restore it by doing the same things you do now to get time?

If I wanted Handwavium I'd go to Pandora. The lack of in-game explanation isn't really the problem, it's just accentuated by the arbitrary nature of the timer. Raids that had this incorporated usually did a decent job of setting up both the nature of the timer and the countermeasures to it, but there's nothing specific about any of these strikes that suggest a timer-- unlike, say, Shield Brothers, which could conceivably just blow up the room if you fail--

I'd be all for kicking players to orbit for losing, and even for giving an extra reward for finishing before a timer expires, but in a game that has mostly removed the bullshit from the previous title, this is a bit of new bullshit I can do without.

Nah. I think it's awesome. You actually have to strategize a little bit and formulate a strategy. You could beat any nightfall in Destiny 1 by sitting back with an elemental scout rifle. We got our ass handed to us the first time we tried the nightfall week 1. By the end, we beat it with 7 minutes left to get the Rat King.

Tell me the strategy that gets 3 240 level players through that exercise with 5+ minutes left and I'll say the entire problem is just that I suck and I'll retract my complaint.

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