
Masterworks (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Tuesday, January 02, 2018, 13:44 (2595 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286

So, by upgrading a weapon to masterwork status, I get one random perk (whoohoo?), I generate orbs on multikills (yay? that's kind of useful i guess?), and the gun tells me how many people I've killed with it, either PvE or PvP (whoop di doo?).

Yeah, that's basically it as far as I can tell. It is worth noting that the orbs are for you, not for teammates (I didn't realize this when I first heard about it - the written description doesn't really make it clear). So if it's on a gun you're using against mobs frequently, you will find yourself getting your super up more quickly.

The cost of doing these three extremely mediocre things is a pile of Shards I never have (I have 100 right now. This is the most I've had in probably the last six months, and it isn't like I spend them as fast as I get them.), and Cores that are rare as hell to come by.

FWIW, I've historically been in the same spot with shards. I think it's mostly just a function of how much you play, although I used to have some bad infusing habits that i think were eating up more shards than necessary.

Someone explain to me why I should care about this? Because I feel like everywhere I look it's "omg Masterwork" this and "omg Masterwork" that... and I just don't.

Can't do that, because I don't think it's something you should care about, at least not in the way you're implying. Try thinking of it as something that just happens occasionally, rather than something to chase. I love the sidearm The Last Dance, so when I found a Masterwork version, it was a nice bonus - I use that gun all the time anyway, so why not swap it out for the new one, right? But if I never had that, The Last Dance would still be good. So I'd never bother actually grinding for the upgrade. I just dismantle any Masterworks that aren't guns I would like anyway, and eventually if there comes a day where I have a pile of cores, I might upgrade a gun I'm using a lot anyway (this has happened precisely once, and that's fine with me).

Meanwhile glimmer is never an issue. Ever. I'm apparently an outside anomaly, but Destiny 2's economy is bullshit.

Ugh, if only. I always seem to be short on glimmer, except for right now - after running 3 characters through CoO story missions in the last couple of days, I have a lot more than usual. 80K-ish, I think.

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