Legacy game acknowledgement (Destiny)

by FyreWulff, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 18:36 (2522 days ago)

This actually is not a complaint (Seriously, it's not), but did anyone else find it weird that Destiny 2 suddenly cut off the legacy game data tracking/rewards?

Reach had the Halo 1 / 2 / 3 / ODST / Marathon nameplates. Destiny 1 had the emblems for old Bungie.net forum activity and having a few of the Halo games in your Bungie.net data (since they obviously could not longer directly reference Halo). Destiny 2 only references Destiny 1 (and only if you met certain criteria) and it's own beta. There isn't even one for having been in Destiny 1's beta.

And Destiny 2 being their first PC-launch-window release wouldn't explain it, since they just leave any Destiny 1 hooks inert on that version.

So, thoughts? Did you like this functionality, don't care, wish D2 would reference more legacy data?

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