
No, not really, but yeah, yeah... (Off-Topic)

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Sunday, September 15, 2013, 04:46 (4198 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Watch it, people.

I need to watch Avatar first, right?

No, but yes. You could probably watch the Legend of Korra by itself just fine as it is some sixty years removed from The Last Airbender. LoK's plot doesn't rely much on TLA's at all. There are a few references of course, but nothing critical that isn't explained. I say yes because The Last Airbender is a ton of fun and watching it will give you much greater insight into things, big and small, that happen(ed) in the Legend of Korra.

The first season of LoK doesn't require you to watch TLA as there's only a few allusions to the events, all of which are unimportant. Flashbacks to its characters (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko) are well contained to only have consequence on LoK. These are much older and wiser incarnations of their TLA appearances. With the importance of the spirits and the Avatar state in season two I would highly recommend a binge viewing of TLA. Besides, it's just fantastic television!

I watched the first few episodes of LoK S1 before I even touched TLA and little was lost on my fresh eyes to the universe.

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