
Something’s Missing: Characters That Do Things (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 26, 2018, 20:49 (2480 days ago) @ Ragashingo

There's a difference between Plot and Story. Characters doing things is literally plot. But we as humans respond to story…

The plot is the literal machinations of the events - it's the things that happen.


This tells you the plot. It tells you the events that happen. But it doesn't tell you the story. Reading the plot elicits basically no emotional response. But the story?

True love conquers all. Wesley's love for Buttercup. Fezzik's love for his friends. Inigo's love for his father. And a grandfather's love for his grandson. That's the story. That's why we love The Princess Bride.

The plot is merely how the story happens. But when there is no story, no larger idea, it's just people doing stuff. Destiny is all plot and no story. Making characters do things would not help unless it helps Bungie tell a story. All the Halos had a story. Destiny… not so much.

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