
Midwest MeetUp: Kansouri LAN-B-Que Aug 3-5th (DBO)

by Dame117 @, Missouri, Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 13:11 (2403 days ago) @ Leviathan

You jerks are planning a meetup in my home town without me!?

*Sees name already on guest list.*

You jerks just assuuuume I want to meetup?!

Despite requiring me to cross the border into Mordor--er, I mean Kansas, I only live 15 minutes away from that rental! Sadly tho, I work weekends, BUT I think I should be able to come and hang out in the evenings after work!

WHAT!? Your name was on the guest list?! that must be a mistake.
Sorry for any inconvenience =P


That's a bummer you work weekends, but it would be great if you do get to stop by in the evenings. We will be having the LAN, plus story-time with Blue and now we could have show-&-tell art time with you! (I visited your site.. wow!)

If you email me through DBO and include your mobile number, I can include you on group discussions about the meet-up :) We also have a shared event folder on Google+

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