
Midwest MeetUp: Kansouri LAN-B-Que Aug 3-5th (DBO)

by Dame117 @, Missouri, Sunday, July 01, 2018, 17:28 (2388 days ago)
edited by Dame117, Sunday, July 01, 2018, 17:46

For those still interested, this is a reminder that the DBO Midwest MeetUp (DBOMM) that we discussed earlier this year is now just a few weeks away!

LOCATION: Kansas City
DATE: AUGUST 3rd - 5th

If you haven't already done so, please RSVP to the event in the FTB HERE
You can RSVP as "tentative" if you are interested but still unsure if you can make it.

FAQ: Is this event in Kansas or Missouri?
Answer: Yes

The rental house we are staying at is on the Kansas side.
When we go out to do stuff it will be on the Missouri side.

COST: Depends on number of people. However, I was determined to keep cost under $100 p/person for lodging for the entire weekend while also making sure we had enough space for a group. A few people had to back out recently, as of 7/1 we are down to 6 confirmed guests at a current split of ~ $82 per person for the weekend.


For those who are unable to view the flyer above:
closest airport:
Kansas City International (MCI)
Kansas City MO 64153
Address for our rental house is:
8616 West 92nd Street
Overland Park, KS 66212

Bring your consoles, controllers, battery packs, HDMI / power cables and a small flat screen (if you can). Feel free to bring extra HDMI, power, network etc cables if you got 'em.
PayPal is great for splitting bills / parking, but still a good idea to bring some cash.
For those wanting to go to the WWI museum / memorial you may want to bring a hat or sunglasses / sunblock. Camera. Batteries. Charging cables for cameras and/or phones. :)

misc: I plan on bringing a few movies (such as the Assassination of Jesse James ..in honor of KC being so close to the birthplace of outlaw Jesse James) and a couple of quickplay table games (Battleship. Flux). If SPEEDRACER can make it then maybe he will bring the good stuff like STAR TREK CATAN :)

Overnight space at the rental house is limited to 10 people, if we go over that then late comers may need to get themselves a hotel

Be sure to check out the FTB events for the LAN / MeetUp that BlackT1ger is hosting this October up in Minnesota near Lake Superior!

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