Raid Jacket & A Disloyal Company (Criticism)

by EffortlessFury @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 17:33 (2296 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I don't care about that jacket or the emblem or anything like that, just so we get that out of the way.

But I do agree with you.

Bungie went on about how this is the hardest level cap they've ever had, that it's a long climb. Then they don't really give anyone but full time streamers enough time to actually get ready for the raid (raidy, get it?).

I don't mind them doing the World's First thing, though I do think it's encourages the sort of attitude that is actually Bungie's worst enemy. Even if you don't want to try World's First, trying to get raid worthy in a reasonable time to avoid spoilers puts quite a bit of pressure on me to level up quickly, which runs counter to the way that Bungie has even stated they've designed this expansion. It's like they want to have it both ways. It's also the sort of thing that has the entire internet bitching at them because they missed out on a handful of engrams.

This all still sort of goes back to how the soft cap is a shit system and prohibits players from doing what they want and instead forces them to pursue Bungie's checklist when they actually want to get anywhere. It's fine now when there's a good variety of new content, but how's it going to feel in a month?

P.S. Let me know how Tomb Raider is. Trying to decide between that and Spider-man for my next purchase.

Has anyone thought of this possible solution to the Raid Day 1 problem?

Why not have Raid Week (the week the raid drops) be a special event where when a Fireteam launches the Raid, it takes whichever FT Member that has the highest light level and uses it to offset everyone's LL. For example, if the Raid was a 550 raid and you had a party with:
LL 300
LL 275
LL 250

...the raid would set the team's effective LLs to:

LL 550
LL 525
LL 500

If implementable through a patch, that would be a great way to let players experience the Raid as accessible story content without having had to grind. Just make sure they've unlocked the experience through campaign completion. Then, anyone who wants to continue raiding past the first week has to complete their climb. Sure, you'll lose some people who won't bother to complete the climb past that first week, but I doubt there are many people bothering to run the Raid's regularly who wouldn't make that climb anyway.

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