
Gambit is hard solo queue (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, October 05, 2018, 12:50 (2343 days ago)

Last night I get the last piece of Gambit armor, so I figure I can get the powerful gear from winning a match with all of it on.

First of all, the hunter armor is all agility oriented, so I was left with 10 mobility. It's actually kind of insane how much faster you move while aiming down sights. I know everyone loves recovery, but I wonder how agility would play with a peekaboo hand canon style.

But hat's not the sad part. I queue in solo, and I lose SEVEN games before winning one. Gambit is way harder solo than competitive in Warmind :-(

Dude! I have 14 motes! Let me pick that one up! You can see how many I have over my head! You have three! Ugggggg. There's also always a time in the match where everyone just stops gathering motes for some reason… like we need 20 to get to our Primeval. Yeah they have theirs up, but why is nobody trying anymore? This happened a lot and I can't explain it.

Let's have a Gambit night PS4 DBO.

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