
We'll... by the numbers: (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 20:08 (2173 days ago) @ cheapLEY

For the other video... you killed them pretty quick, but mostly those guys really did suck. Against a competent The Last Word user at that range who you targeted second? Yeah, you lose that near 100% of the time

Cruel should have lost to a competent player throwing rocks during the fight. Not trying to diminish Cruel's skill--it's far above my own. But c'mon. How do you lose a 2v1 like that?

By using The Last Word, A’s was my snarky point ;p

Jokes aside, I don’t think TLW is bad at all. Far from it. I think it’s super situational and quirky in ways that make it ineffective in most players hands. There are players who will absolutely destroy with it. Not many, but it does happen.

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