
We'll... by the numbers: (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 20:18 (2203 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Your 2 videos vs my 7. Your 4 kills vs my 25. Maybe you should try switching guns, eh? (I was even generous and counted your grenade assist and was fair since I didn't count my video where I wasn't using The Last Word!) :p

I only posted a couple clips to show that TLW isn’t necessarily the best gun, even within its (very limited) ideal range. I can post MORE clips like that if you want ;) Still, it can be SUPER effective in the right hands, no doubt.

Plus, you were sharing clips you got using your primary weapon. I was looking for moments where I was going against your primary weapon, which isn’t all that common... I don’t actually see many players using TLW lately.

If you want to see me get 25 kills with MY gun, just watch me play 1 game. That’s about what I average.


(If we want to be serious for just a moment, that uphill shot in your first video was a good play that would be hard to beat with any gun. The Last Word, especially, works well when you can aim a bit low and let the kick handle the aiming for you. I think you would have had me there near 100% of the time.

For the other video... you killed them pretty quick, but mostly those guys really did suck. Against a competent The Last Word user at that range who you targeted second? Yeah, you lose that near 100% of the time)

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