
+1. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 10:53 (2172 days ago) @ Morpheus
edited by Korny, Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 11:29

Your seven eight videos versus Cruel's two, and he got the same amount of kills outgunning The Last Word.

The Last Word is not the best. The Last Word is the favorite. Luckily, by these clips posted here, I don't have anything to worry about any time soon. :-)

There's a reason you only really run into Last Word in Quickplay, only a couple of weeks after the gun came out.

Against certain (read: most) playstyles, The Last Word is a joke. It's best against shoulder charging Titans, people caught off guard, and players using the Free trial of D2.

Last night Cruel and I had a nonstop string of games in quickplay where we steamrolled poor teams with Last Word users. Using Fighting Lion and a sidearm (because I don't have my Mountaintop on Xbox, which eats the mostly-stationary TLW users alive), The TLWs were DOA, even when they got the drop on me!


And even when they had the cheap One-Eyed Mask!


Disclaimer: The teabagging is deserved. Cruel and I started that match completely alone against a full team, and they still teabagged when they killed me. Fortunately, we got them to take us seriously real quick:


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