This (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 04, 2019, 09:11 (2117 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Apparently, if you unequip your Sentry gear when you’re at 5 stacks, you keep the Taken damage buff without penalty, letting you melt the blockers and boss on the second damage phase in seconds.

Yep, I feel like just stripping all my armor off right before a win.

Well, the collection part of prime and the primeval part of prime are pretty different styles of play and the primeval part lasts long enough that it could be worth swapping armor for different mods/perks?

The few times I’ve actually used my Prime Invader armor, I take it all off once the match progresses to the Primeval phase. The only invader perk that I find makes a significant difference is the ability to lock the opponents’ bank, and that’s useless come the damage phase. So I swap over to armor that has perks that’ll actually make a difference.

Heh - silly me, I've been trying to get Prime armor that contains the perks I normally play with!

I should have thought this through.

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