Difficulty scaling (Destiny)

by NotTheVacuum, Wednesday, October 09, 2013, 06:48 (3862 days ago) @ Beorn

That's a pretty good non-answer as far as non-answers go. Chris's comment suggests that a lot of thought went into this problem and I trust that they've figured this issue out (because that's what they do!). Still curious about how it works, though!

Kind-of what I was thinking; it's not an answer, but it speaks to concerns they're seeking to address, so it's valuable in that regard. The easy way out, and what games like Borderlands do, is to scale the difficulty of the bullet-sponge you're up against to the highest level member of the team. What that means is that your level 72 friends aren't really interested in you joining them while you're still level 65 (you're doing so little damage due to damage scaling that you're practically useless). Leads to a "race to the cap" situation whenever it's raised, directly into "end-game farming, part 17" to snag all of the rare/powerful loot all over again.

Bungie has said your guns scale with you, and get more powerful as you use them, which hopefully addresses the re-farming problem of Borderlands. Can they solve difficulty for multi-level fire squads? Mehbeh...

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