How does Halo’s matchmaking work? (Destiny)

by FyreWulff, Wednesday, May 04, 2022, 07:43 (1012 days ago) @ squidnh3

Bungie re-confirmed just recently there is absolutely no consideration of skill when gathering a large group together for a game in Crucible (except for the Competitive playlist). Once the group is gathered based on connection based information, then the teams are distributed based on some sort of skill-based algorithm.

This system can be frustrating because it often puts the most highly skilled player on the team with all of the lower skilled players. It also doesn't often result in very competitive matches for things like Control, because the lower skilled players are usually disproportionately poor at tactical decision-making.

Also, the gametypes/maps in Halo seem designed to have less snowballing or the huge score swings you often see in Destiny.

As far as I am aware, the distribution of players of skill across teams, aka 'snake draft', was actually bugged and was only in the game for a single day. It's entirely random team distribution.

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