But the real question is... (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 08:43 (3652 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

It would be crap for a large subset of Bungie fans to be unable to join in the Bungie Day festivities for playing on a console that was once required to enjoy Bungie games for the last 13 years.

I think Kermit gets that, but pete's answer is a bit too "weeping and knashing of teeth" for his taste (and mine).

I mean, hell, I'd have forgotten about such a "Great Betrayal" in a couple a days, maybe.

My memory is greater than a couple days.

As a person excited about Destiny and traditionally enjoying Bungie Day festivities, that would be a slap in the face, and one I would not forget. Every future Bungie Day henceforth would be ushered in with snarky "I wonder what Bungie will do for their PS4 fans" comments.

I already feel slighted, as an Xbox One owner, by how much Bungie is in bed with the PS4. I think we can all agree that PS4 exclusive on Bungie Day sends the wrong message to Bungie's Xbox fans that have been supporting them for over a decade.

I get the feeling lately that I'm supposed to be completely neutral on all topics in order to fit in here.

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