
What we have lost... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 13:02 (3854 days ago) @ Numinar

I love what I have played of Destiny, and hopefully some of this stuff comes on line later but this is just one of the things we have lost.

Custom games
-Map selection
-Arranged matches
-Deep settings adjustments/customisation.
-Proximity Voice (Though Halo 2 is the last time we saw the good version of this, like with Clans.)

-3 players is less than 4.

Single Player
-Tight, balanced difficulty settings (I'm sure they have done a lot to counter this in end game content, but the problem with any game with progression is that that every time you fail, you come back stronger not so much in skill and knowledge but in physical survivability and damage, ruing the encounter-puzzles that made the best bits of Heroic and Legendary so good).
-Marines chats!

I think I forgot some stuff, but busy. I would poor one out for features loved and lost but this stuff is expensive.

I wouldn't put Firefight on the list. In Destiny I can be matchmade with two other players and fight against waves of enemies any time I want! And I couldn't really put 4 player co-op on there either, because I rarely had a good time with internet co-op, what with the lag and slowdown.

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