
Bigger than Halo? (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 20:33 (3648 days ago) @ Kermit

It'd have to be significantly worse than Halo (or at least significantly worse than something it's competing against) not to be.

At its best, Halo games launched on a single console platform generation at a time, with PC ports only coming years later for certain games in the series, sometimes with weird OS restrictions.

Destiny is launching day and date on four different consoles. They can have a significantly lower attach rate than Halo on any or all of those individual platforms and still sell as much as an average Halo title. If they were to achieve a similar attach rate on one or more of those platforms, I think they'd have a good run at doing as well or better as the best-selling entries in the Halo series.

A rumored PC version next year is merely icing on the cake.

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