
'Light' screws things up (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 19:16 (3757 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by RC, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 19:21

TL/DR: Cody was right, the grind sucks.

You're right too: you can't just play and power up as you go along normally, because the resources (Spinmetal, Helium, Spirit Bloom, and Relic Iron) are only obtainable by specifically going and gathering them from sources or chests. You can;t obtain them from kills, or missions.

Were we not supposed to be gathering these in between kills and while going on missions? They're still there during those times.

The loot chests and resource nodes only spawn in 'public' areas. Many of which contain only optional encounters you can get past fairly quickly. When on a mission, you'll spend the majority of your time in a private area (especially at higher difficulties) where such resources do not spawn. So even if you're looking, you won't find anything.

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