
'Light' screws things up (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 00:56 (3757 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You are only level 20. From here on out, take a look at the gear you start finding and see how much of the resources you need. There's no way you will have enough except for specifically going out to pick them up. Unless you have 5x 16 Relic Iron just laying around.

Yes, I will. It will just take me longer. One day I'll look up and it'll be there.

Heck, I just turned in 150 spirit blooms for some reputation. I made no special effort to farm them, I've just been picking them up when I see them during lulls in fighting.

That's just the same perspective I'm talking about. I think the investment system is a way of providing a framework for continued play, but the goal is still to play the game, not to receive the reward. That's the path that leads to the Loot Cave.

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