
'Light' screws things up (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 19:28 (3756 days ago) @ uberfoop

Heck, I just turned in 150 spirit blooms for some reputation. I made no special effort to farm them, I've just been picking them up when I see them during lulls in fighting.

I'm a little baffled, then. I also "just pick them up when I see them during lulls in fighting", and I only have like 30 of them (I have 30 hours of total playtime). I pick them up when I see them. :/

Watch Narcogen and Blackstar's let's play Destiny videos. At the pace they play, I can totally understand him having 100+ Spirit bloom. Still, trading them is was a sucker move man. You'll wish you had them later when it comes time to upgrade armor and weapons.

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