
In investment games, safe and reliable is > fun (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, November 17, 2014, 15:20 (3661 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

If the boss fights were actually doable instead of being grossly unfair one-shot death-fests, they wouldn't need cheesing to begin with. The fact of the matter is that Nightfall strike balance is terrible for final bosses, and the price of failure is far too steep (starting over from the beginning of the strike) for players to want to experiment with actual tactics. Cheese is safer, even though it's not fun at all.

Lately my buddies and I have been playing "chicken" so to speak, where one of us will try to complete the fight as per normal while the other two cheese it. If the one dies, a second runs out to save him and then runs back to the cheese spot. If two die, the third stays in cheese mode until they win. It's sad, but I feel like this is how all nightfall strikes will go for us, basically forever, since the game as intended is too time-intensive and feels like you die too often to RNG rather than player mistakes.

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