
Well that was fast. (Archon priest cheese fix bypassed) (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, November 17, 2014, 16:12 (3661 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

I saw somebody use that spot once. I just stayed outside and bucked wild(which makes me feel good, realizing that I'm a lot better than I thought).

Anyway, at one point he died(somehow) and since there's no respawn, I went to go save him, and the soft-kill zone ended up killing me, too.

There was another instance like that on Valus Ta'arc, which actually singlehandedly saved our asses. This guy hid out in a small space where he {was bonedley surrounded, but) couldn't be hurt by virtually anything--not even the Boss Stomp. Took him forever while two of us watched, but he eventually died and spared us another hour of B.S.

And Kazghul is right--we wouldn't be cheesing our f--ing brains out right now if the strikes(Winter's Run specifically) weren't so goddamn difficult and (in the case of Nightfall) unfairly punishing. I understand the challenge that's needed in stuff like that, and I appreciate it, but there's a difference between challenges and clusterfucks.

I think the first idea that comes to mind is to space out enemies. I remember Archon once teleported right in front of me. To avoid getting Stomped, I turned and sprinted. As I looked around, there were 4/5 Shanks and a Sniper Vandal on the ledge above the cheese, 6 more at the cell opening, accompanied by at least 3 Stealth Vandals and a few normal Vandals and Dregs in the caves above AND below.

Oh, and friggin' Lightswitch was on.

That's way too much. So I say, 30-60 seconds of open arena between spawning TWO groups of enemies, not three, not fucking SIX...

Another scenario, I was actually prepared one time as I pointed a Rocket Launcher at the spawn doors for the Stealth Vandals in the bottom floor caves. Swear to God, they spawned at every other door EXCEPT the one I was ready for. That's not right!!
So we need occasional spots to cheese where we'll either have a chance, or at least help a lower level player along with their XP--not EXPLOITING the game, just relieving (ourselves of) it. A place where we can recharge our shields, reload all our weapons and maybe be the last hope for your fireteam when all is lost. We need cheeses.

And another thing, if I eve--


(now cooking cheeseburger while listening to Cheeseburger)

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