Safe and Reliable Is Always < Fun (Destiny)

by Monochron, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 09:27 (3474 days ago) @ Leviathan

Why would you cheese (a word I'm still learning the definition of) when you could have fun?

I feel I reply with this answer far too many times:
"You cheese in Destiny because it LEADS to more fun".

Why did I spend hours at the Holy Cave? To get a legendary weapon which SIGNIFICANTLY increased my fun in the crucible and PvE. Why did I cheese the Arkon Preist? Because it gave me Gjallahorn which is BONKERS FUN! Shooting my Gjallahorn and watching the wolve pack rounds annihilate everythign nearby gives me an inordinate amount of joy.

If Bungie is going to put the "fun" things behind RNG and monumentally difficult (read: unfun) tasks, then yes I am going to cheese them.
Nuf said.

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