
I think we should see other people... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, January 09, 2015, 11:26 (3542 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Much like Pete's suggestion, I've found that changing my approach to the game has helped breath new life in to it several times. Every time my focus starts to become gear-centric: getting all the weapons, upgrading them all, getting the specific raid gear I need to hit 32 ASAP, etc, I start to burn out/get frustrated. Sometimes taking a break gives us the time to realize what parts of the game we truly enjoy, and what parts we're perhaps chasing at the expense of our own enjoyment.}

This is kind of what I don't get though. At this point, that's all there is.

I think this is where each individual person is going to have very different feelings. You're totally right that getting new gear is "all there is" in terms of concrete goals. Concrete goals are certainly important, but for some more than others.

When I look back over the past 4 months of playing Destiny (3 solid months of playing with you guys on a regular basis), very few of my favorite memories are at all connected to unlocking gear or reaching a new rank. I think of the first time I nailed the Legions with a Nova Bomb from my sniper perch. I think of turning around to see the Sword Barer right on top of me, about to cut me down, only to have Cyber save my life with a last second sniper round through his face. I think of the chest pains I was having the first time we got through the Gorgon cave without wiping. And of course, I think about the cheers from our entire group the split second Atheon melted and we knew we'd just pulled off something amazing.

For me, the stories and memories that come out of Destiny (the raids in particular) are what keep me coming back, at least for now. I also acknowledge that I haven't spent nearly as much time with the game as you have, so it's reasonable to assume that I'm further from burning out on it. Perhaps a month from now I will run the Archive mission 1 time too many and I'll be back here saying the exact same things you are saying now :)

Oh no I agree, all that stuff is by far what has KEPT me playing this long to begin with… I'd have given up week 2 if it weren't for playing with friends.

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