Fire Team Reservation Etiquette - builder changes? (Destiny)

by Earendil, Friday, January 30, 2015, 12:58 (3410 days ago)

Do we have anything like etiquette yet? It seems to me that the etiquette I envision being the norm, is at conflict with the way the builder works. I was going to write this post as a change request to the builder, and decided I might want to check my worldview against the communities before doing so :)

Example, Let's say you have the following for a 3 person strike:

1. Committed
2. Tentative
3. Committed
4. Committed

If everyone ends up showing up, who does etiquette dictate should play? Does #2 get to play, or does #4?

How about this one:

1. Committed
2. Tentative
3. Tentative
4. Tentative
5. Tentative
6. Tentative
7. Committed

Should #7 expect to play, or not?

If #7 isn't guaranteed a spot, what's his/her motivation for showing up? My feeling is that the first committed players should get first dibs. But I don't know if that matches everyone else's idea.

Currently the builder lists players in the order that they RSVP. This is helpful, since I believe etiquette rule #1 is first come first serve. Where it gets tricky is that the Tentative players aren't ordered differently. On top of that, a person can change from Tentative to Committed. So in the 7 person example above, all those players could change to Committed 5 minutes before the event starts.

In conclusion, do we believe that a tentative RSVP holds the same place and value as a committed RSVP? Depending on what people think, I'll ask Beorn to oh-so-kindly change it to match etiquette. i.e. have all committed players listed first, in the order they RSVP, and all tentative players listed last, in the order they RSVP.

As an aside, I'm not looking for a rule that trumps players ability to be decent human beings, allow friends to play together, or allows someone to demand a spot when no one wants them. We're all grown ups here, and some of us even act like it, so don't take this conversation as an attempt to implement a rule :)

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